Ten Poems about Trains: Outbound
This mini-anthology is the outbound leg of a pair of titles celebrating train travel, and it takes us on some fascinating worldwide adventures.
Again and again the poems dramatise the fact that when we board a train we open ourselves up to unexpected and vivid encounters. Trains can’t help being political; they cover vast distances and experience far more than we ever will:
“Racing on iron errands, the trains go by,
and over the white acres of our orchards
hurl their wild summoning cry, their animal cry…”from ‘The Trains’ by Judith Wright
Most of all, the selection is alive to the sheer power of trains – their ability to carry us away and also to make us stop in our tracks to take stock of exactly where we are.
Poems by Mahmoud Darwish, Paul Durcan, Langston Hughes, Ada Limón, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Alice Duer Miller, André Naffis-Sahely, Mary Ruefle, Declan Ryan and Judith Wright.
Cover illustration by Gail Brodholt.


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