Creature Without Building by Ray Vincent-Mills
“Creature Without Building is a striking debut publication from Ray Vincent-Mills, a poet of exceptional skill and tenacity. The subtle – at times surreal – imagery only serves to underscore the fragmentation of identity provoked by hostile and challenging contemporary cultural politics. At the same time, the poems contained within are laced through with the rawness of lived experience and the precision of authentic observation. In their work, Vincent-Mills offers readers a lens through which to appraise and re-appraise their own complicity in the construction of a social fabric that so often excludes what it should enfold. I exhort readers to keep their eyes peeled for Vincent-Mills, whose star is sure to keep on rising.”
Jack McGowan
Jack McGowan
“These poems speak for themselves: bold, bracing, and creating their own style and voice!”
Sarah Leavesley
Creature Without Building is very visceral and very captivating.
Winner of the V. Press Prize for Poetry 2021
V. Press


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