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Acair san talamh / Anchor in the land by Beth Frieden

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In Acair san talamh / Anchor in the land, Beth Frieden’s debut pamphlet of poems moves back and forth across the Atlantic to explore family and nature with humour and curiosity.  Written in Scottish Gaelic and English by an American immigrant to Scotland, these are poems that thrill in the wild and the intimate.

From the forests of New England to the tenements of Glasgow these are intensely felt and finely honed poems of adventure, motherhood, dislocation and relocation; alive to the personal, political and linguistic questions that our homes ask of us.

Beth Frieden is a poet and an actress, and a mother. She grew up in the US and moved to Scotland in 2008, where she learned Gaelic. She writes in both English and Gaelic now, and received a New Scottish Writer’s Award in 2021 from the Scottish Book Trust for Gaelic poetry.


Ann an Acair san talamh / Anchor in the land, a’ chiad phamflaid bàrdachd aig Beth Frieden, bidh a’ bhàrdachd a’ gluasad a-null ’s a-nall, thar a’ Chuain Shiar, gus beachdachadh air teaghlach is nàdair le àbhachd is iongantas. Air a sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig is sa Bheurla le in-imriche Ameireaganach ann an Alba, seo dàin a chuireas gaoir san leughadair, a tha fiadhaich is dlùth-chaidreach.

Eadar coilltean Nua-Shasainn is teanamantan Ghlaschu, tha iad air am mothachadh gu domhain, na dàin fìnealta làn driod-fhortain, màthaireachd, dì-ionadachaidh is ath-ghluasaid; beò is làn cheistean pearsanta, poilitigeach is cànanan a chuireas dachaigh romhainn.

Is bàna-bhàrd is bana-chleasaiche a th’ ann am Beth Frieden, cho math ri màthar. Rugadh i anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, mus deach i a dh’Alba, gus fuireach ann ann an 2008, far an do dh’ionnsaich i a’ Ghàidhlig. Bidh i a’ sgrìobhadh anns a’ Bheurla is sa Ghàidhlig, a-nis, agus chaidh Duais nan Sgrìobhadairean Ùra a bhuileachadh oirre le Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba, le bàrdachd na Gàidhlig fa prosbaig.

Stewed Rhubarb



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