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"If prose is a house, poetry is a man on fire running quite fast through it"
- Anne Carson

Edited with an insightful introduction by Kate Simpson and featuring original work from Caroline BirdInua EllamsPascale PetitKaren McCarthy WoolfRachael AllenRaymond Antrobus and Mary Jean Chan, this anthology of 50 poems from the climate emergency is truly galvanising, offering compressed worlds, ecosystems and alternate realities – all ready to be opened up and explored. Curated around five thematic sections, Out of Time takes readers on a journey through various responses to climate emergency today, including Emergency, Grief, Transformation, Work and Rewilding. These poems move through anger, confusion and disarray to transformation, fable and utopia, activism and work. Finally, we land on tender (if fragile) moments of hope. This is a timely and powerful collection, engaging with poetry in order to ask questions, subvert expectations, and raise awareness. 
PBS Members can order Out of Time with 25% off for PBS members here
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