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To celebrate National Poetry Day, we're giving you the chance to win a FREE PBS MEMBERSHIP in our National Poetry Day prize draw. All you have to do is buy any poetry book at by MIDNIGHT on Friday and we'll automatically enter you into our Free Membership Prize Draw! To get you started we've gathered 6 new poetry books on the theme of refuge for you read on National Poetry Day. We'll also be releasing poems of refuge on the hour every hour across social media so head over to @poetrybooksoc for more inspiration.

#1 Last week Penguin released their latest Poetry Pharmacy Forever anthology. It's the perfect book to take refuge in - full of poems to soothe, revive and inspire you on National Poetry Day and beyond.

#2 Mary Oliver's poems are the ultimate balm for the soul, showing us how to find refuge in the natural world and savour the everyday. Devotions is the definitive collection of her greatest poems.

#3 Marjorie Lotfi's James Berry Poetry Prize winning debut The Wrong Person to Ask spans a childhood in Iran, dislocated by revolution, through years as a young woman in America, to her current home in Scotland. These poems ask what it means to be a refugee.

#4 Momtaza Mehri's Forward shortlisted debut follows refugees from Somalia to London. Mixing family history with the stories of others, Bad Diaspora Poems confronts the difficulties of migration.

#5 Jacqueline Saphra's Velvel's Violin examines the holocaust and its long shadow in modern day conflicts. A stark reminder that the NPD theme of refuge is more relevant than ever today.

#6 Eating the Archive by Yousif M. Qasmiyeh offers a profound portrait of life in the Baddawi refugee camp in Lebanon, where Qasmiyeh was born. A raw and real account of refuge.

 Simply click on the links and enter your member code to order with 25% off. 

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