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We are delighted to announce the Poetry Book Society Summer 2023 Selections. Our poet selectors Jo Clement, Roy McFarlane and Harry Josie Giles read through hundreds of submissions from publishers big and small every quarter and choose the very best new books to deliver to our members. Join our unique poetry book club by 15th May to get your exclusive copies of all these brilliant books in our summer mailing, ahead of the high street bookshops!

Summer 2023 Choice: Bread & Circus by Airea D. Matthews  (Picador)
Recommendations: The House of the Interpreter by Lisa Kelly  (Carcanet)
The Speculations of Country People by Majella Kelly  (Penguin)
Patterflash by Adam Lowe (Peepal Tree Press)
Women in Comfortable Shoes by Selima Hill  (Bloodaxe)
Special CommendationOut of Sri Lanka Ed. by Vidyan Ravinthiran, Seni Seneviratne, Shash Trevett     (Bloodaxe)
Translation Choice: Dastram/ Delirium by Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair, translated by Taylor Strickland (Broken Sleep Books)

Poetry Book Society Members enjoy a year of thoughtfully curated poetry parcels, including up to 24 books a year and a quarterly magazine, plus 25% off all books all year, alongside access to our lively poetry community events and exclusive content such as reading notes in our members area.

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