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PBS Spring 2017 Selections

We're very excited to announce our PBS Spring 2017 Selections!

Full PBS Members will receive their copies of the Choice with the Spring Bulletin in late February / early March. Charter members will receive the Choice and all recommended titles. Members can also pre-order any of the Spring titles with 25% off and we'll post them out as soon as they're published. Simply click on the links below to place your order.

Spring Choice

James Sheard, The Abandoned Settlements (Cape)


C.K. Williams, Falling Ill (Bloodaxe)

Simon Armitage, The Unaccompanied (Faber)

Emily Berry, Stranger, Baby (Faber)

John Burnside, Still Life with Feeding Snake (Cape)

Special Commendation

Elaine Feinstein, The Clinic, Memory - New & Selected Poems (Carcanet)

Recommended Translation

Andrés Sanchez Robayna, The Book, Behind the Dune - translated by Louis Bourne (Shearsman)

Spring Pamphlet Choice

Tom Sastry, Complicity (Smith/Doorstop)

Please be aware that most of these books are not yet published so there will be a slight delay between preordering and despatch.

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