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Ignota have released a special diary and weekly planner for 2019, tying in with their excellent occult anthology Spells. This is an ideal present for someone who wants to inject a little magic into their year, featuring important and esoteric events in the spiritual calendar, as well as inspiration from William Blake, W.B. Yeats, and other figures in the world of the gothic and the occult. 

The Ignota Diary also features work from poets CAConrad and Bhanu Kapil, with beautiful illustrations by renowned tarotist Rachel Pollack. The diary is packed full of holistic wisdom and affirmation for enthusiasts in the world of the mystical and the alternative!

Order your copy of the 2019 Ignota Diary here and use the code SONNET13 in the promotion code field during check-out to receive this at 30% off!


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