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Poetry Book Society Student Poetry Prize 2017


Calling all students! We’re delighted to announce our Student Poetry Prize is open until the 13th December.

The Poetry Book Society was founded by T S Eliot in 1953 to 'propagate the art of poetry' and has an illustrious history of discovering the best new contemporary poets. In our new Student Poetry Prize we're looking for talented student writers and emerging new voices who will go on to be the next generation of Poetry Book Society selections. 

Entry is free to PBS members. Non-members must pay a £10 entry fee.

The Competition will be judged by the poet Sam Buchan-Watts.

Sam Buchan-Watts is co-editor of the poetry press Clinic. His pamphlet was published in 2016 in the Faber New Poets series, and he won an Eric Gregory Award the same year. He is also the Reviews Editor for Poetry London.

The winners will be notified on the 2nd March and officially announced on the 6th March.

The following prizes are available: 1st Prize £100  | 2nd Prize £50 | 3rd Prize £25

An additional 3 highly commended poems will receive PBS Associate membership.

All the winners will have their poems published on the PBS website and the 1st prize winner will also feature in the PBS Bulletin.

Don't forget entry is free for PBS Members so check out our student membership option here.

Click here to enter the free PBS Member category or here for the Non-Member paid category.

If you have any further questions, please email

How to enter:

Please read the rules carefully before entering.

1.        The competition is open all current students aged over 18.

2.        The closing date of the Competition is 13th December midnight (UK time)

3.        One poem per entrant.

4.        Entries can be made via Submittable.  

5.        Please include your name, email address, date of birth (optional), place of study and upload a copy of your NUS card or equivalent student ID card.

6.        The judge’s decision is final.

7.        All entries are judged anonymously and the poet’s name must not appear on the Word document containing the poem itself.

8.        All poems must have a title and must not exceed 40 lines in length (excluding title). Entries can be on any subject.

9.        Poems must be the original work of the entrant.

10.     Entries must not have been published by a publisher or magazine, either online or in print, or entered simultaneously elsewhere.

11.     Entries must be written in English.

12.     Prizewinners will be notified by 2nd March.

13.     All winners will be asked to provide a short biography and photograph for our website.

14.     The copyright of each poem remains with the author.

 15.     However, authors of the winning poems, by entering the competition, grant the PBS the right to publish the poem on their website and potentially in the bulletin.

16. Students who have already published a full collection are sadly not eligible to enter. 

Simply click on the link below to enter after the 31st October.submit

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