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Introducing our new PBS Book Selector Sandeep Parmar

We're delighted to introduce our new PBS Selector for Spring 2018 onwards, Sandeep Parmar!

Sandeep Parmar co-directs the University of Liverpool's Centre for New and International Writing and is Senior Lecturer in English Literature. She is the author of Reading Mina Loy's Autobiographies, scholarly editions of The Collected Poems of Hope Mirrlees and Selected Poems of Nancy Cunard (Carcanet) and two poetry books from Shearsman: The Marble Orchard and the Ledbury Forte prize-winning Eidolon.

Her essays and reviews have appeared in the Guardian, the TLS, the Financial Times, Poetry Review and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She is a BBC Radio 3 New Generation Thinker and a judge for the 2017 Forward Prize for Poetry.

Sandeep will work alongside our existing PBS Selector Tim Liardet to choose the best new contemporary poetry books for our members. We can't wait to see their selections!


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