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Members get 25% off Books - Join Today!


It's been a tough year and we want to show our love and gratitude to our poetry community for helping us through it, so we've got not one but TWO Black Friday offers for you!

Until Monday you can get 10% off PBS Choice Membership and / or a Free tote bag with every Gift Membership, so you can treat yourself or someone special to a year of poetry.

Every PBS Membership goes straight back into supporting the wider poetry ecosystem and championing a diverse range of poets. With bookshop closures and cancelled events this year, poets and publishers need your help now more than ever. Their new books deserve to be read, enjoyed and celebrated, despite the many obstacles this strange year has thrown their way. 

Buy a Gift Membership here and we'll send a beautiful Ocean Vuong tote bag, poetry book and £10 book voucher to start their year of poetry parcels. It's the perfect poetry gift which keeps giving all year round.

You can also treat yourself and join our global poetry community today with 10% off Choice Membership. All new Choice members get a free magazine, £10 book voucher, to start your year of poetry parcels. Simply enter the code BLACKFRIDAY20 at the checkout here.


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