Thousandfold by Nina Bogin
Nina Bogin’s Thousandfold is a journey through seasons and landscapes, a journal of ordinary life punctuated by extra-ordinary people and moments – the births of grandchildren, the physical decline of a husband, relationships with family and friends. Her poems connect the unknowable past of ancestors to the equally unfathomable future of descendants, between which there fluctuates a present that is no less elusive, even as the poet gives it a structure in language. If life is full of uncertainties, our world at once threatened and threatening, then what brings constancy, hope, solace?
Bogin’s intimate, exploratory poems take on greater poignancy as the author faces the subject of her husband's dementia and begins to find her way into a life both with and without him.
Bogin’s intimate, exploratory poems take on greater poignancy as the author faces the subject of her husband's dementia and begins to find her way into a life both with and without him.


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