The Hollow Bone by Ian Marriott
In this collection brimming, with pared down imagery and crystal sharp language, we are invited to become the hollow bone, the small vessel with space for insight and reflection. Steeped in the natural world and sensitive to how each body interfaces with the world, Marriott's debut moves us from the quotidian to the mysterious found in the everyday and in the world's wilderenesses. The poetry is alive with experiences of the forest, the mountains, the vastness of Antartica; the language meditative, spare and precise and the form follows breath — short lines that carry contemplative thought forward with fluid ease. Winner of the Cinnamon Press Debut Poetry Collection Award, adjudicated by outstanding eco-poet, Susan Richardson, The Hollow Bone is suffused with shamanic sensibilty that is communicated with elegance, from the title poem with it's thoughfully hone sketches of birds alive and dead to the longer sequence of koan-like fragments in "Terra Infirma", it takes the reader into an alternative space where there is fresh air.


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