The Book of Snow by Robert Seatter
Of his poetry collection “The Book of Snow” Robert Seatter says,
I wanted to describe the arc of a relationship through one image: snow.
I then gave these snow-inspired poems to artist Jessica Palmer, who interpreted them
in paper cut, collage and collograph. Fascinated by her artistic process, I wrote a parallel
sequence of poems exploring the art of her interpretation. These were unified
in a stark and powerful, black and white design by graphic designer Sally James.
The result is, I hope, a work of connection, definition and revelation.
About the poet: Robert Seatter has published three poetry collections: Travelling to the Fish Orchards, On the Beach with Chet Baker and Writing King Kong, all from Seren. Before that, he was also selected for inclusion in Anvil New Poets 3 (2000).
He has won many awards and nominations for his poetry including National Poetry Competition, London Poetry, Forward Poetry Prize, Tabla, and Housman Poetry Prize. His work has appeared in varied publications and magazines, as well as on TV and radio and even the London buses.
He is also Chairman of The Poetry Trust which runs the acclaimed Aldeburgh Poetry Festival. Robert lives in London where he works for the BBC as head of BBC History, following earlier careers in publishing, acting and teaching.


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