Species by Anja Konig
‘Queen of brevity, queen of paradox, queen of deadpan humour, Konig goes straight for the gut. Plunge deep into joy and despair, emerge gasping with terror and delight.’ Jacqueline Saphra
‘Anja Konig’s terse, visceral poems take us to the heart of the world.’ D. Nurkse
‘Teeming with humour and addictive wit.’ Shanay Neusum-James
‘Konig has her antenna up for human fragility and the decline of nature, yet finds a poise from which to address us with wit, clarity and sympathy.’ James Thornton, ClientEarth
In Species, Anja Konig examines the absurdity and connectivity of being with candour, empathy and irresistible black humour. Each poem in Species creates an aperture, a flash of surprise, delight or grief: at the precipice of nature, the human animal’s place within it, the catch-22 of belonging all at once to a body, the Earth, and each other.
I long
for a deeper leaving.
I want to be a mushroom
throwing its net into the dark soil
Bad Betty Press


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