Ephebos by Kostya Tsolakis
Young, Greek and gay: Ephebos maps a fragile coming of age, exploring the shame, courage and yearning of emergent sexuality. From a sun-drenched Athenian adolescence to adulthood in England, this exquisitely wrought pamphlet confronts an abiding sense of ‘falling short’ – of being Greek, conforming to ideas of masculinity, being a good son, of communicating fully with loved ones and strangers. Above all, these poems deal with the pursuit of happiness on one’s own terms.
"Frank and tender poems, sculpted from the twinned innocence and experience of queer youth. This is poetry as archaeology: small fragments of the self exposed, a moment of hurt or lust brought up to the surface, extraneous muck brushed away, and held up to the light, so we might examine it more closely" - Andrew McMillan


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