Autumn 2017 Bulletin
Picture my mother as a baby, afloat
on a waterlily leaf,
a nametag round her wrist -
Victoria amazonica.
There are rapids ahead
the doctors call 'mania'
(from Mama Amazonica, Pascale Petit)
The Poetry Book Society Autumn Bulletin for 2017 features writing from Autumn Choice poet Pascale Petit regarding Mama Amazonica, as well as pieces from Recommended poets Tara Bergin, Douglas Dunn, Frank Ormsby and Michael Symmons Roberts. These are accompanied by comments from the selectors and numerous extracts from their works. The selectors also provide pieces on the Recommended Translation Storms Under the Skin by Henri Michaux, the Special Commendation Selected Poems by Thom Gunn, and the Pamphlet Choice Mr Universe by Rich Goodson. Seventeen short reviews of poetry books for summerreading complete the publication, along with a catalogue of works available for purchase by members at a discounted price.


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