Adventures Among The Living by Tim Cumming
Adventures Among the Living is a new pamphlet from an award winning poet, consisting of a poetry sequence inspired by the experience of a lucid dream. The reader is invited to share the poet’s many adventures as he takes advantage of the opportunity to haunt himself, stepping out of his life and wandering among it with a sense of incredulity and (sometimes) horror. The logic of a dream journey is juxtaposed with the poet’s attempts to locate himself somewhere, anywhere, as he moves among recognised friends and acquaintances, “unheard and unseen”. There’s a strong sense of a man on the run, both consciously and subconsciously, pursued by all the life choices he has made or failed to make. Maps are endlessly consulted, but the poet does not ever really know where he is. Is this the next step of evolution, as he suggests, or simply the dream ravings of a man with a gap for a face? It’s an exhilarating, thought provoking, hugely enjoyable ride.
Blueprint Poetry


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