A Square of Sunlight by Meg Cox
Although this collection often looks back it is never sentimental or clouded by a false rosy glow. Cox is fundamentally honest and pragmatic; we feel her wisdom in accepting what has been, in fact, of acknowledging her role in how things played out. The poet never seeks sympathy but invites us to laugh, consider, weigh up and move on. Whatever else there is in a life lived fast and furious, we may all be grateful for “a square of sunlight” and “the juice of a glut of ripe strawberries”. – Pat Edwards, London Grip
It’s impossible to read the collection without being infected with an urge to make the most of life.Meg Cox’s poetry is a joy. Whether savoured in sips or gulped down in one, A Square of Sunlight is an excellent read. – Matthew Stewart, Rogue Strands


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