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We were excited to hear about the Wild About Gardens Poetry Competition run by the RHS and Wildlife Trusts' Go Wild For Worms campaign. There are also children's categories so it's the perfect muddy poetry entertainment for the rainy Easter holidays!

Get creative and write a 280 character poem on worms for a chance to win a brilliant prize.

Age categories: 10 and under, 11-17 and 18 and over

Prizes include: Julia Donaldson's Superworm, Robert Macfarlane's Lost Words, Kate Messner's Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt or Kate Bradbury’s The Wildlife Gardener

What to do: Get creative: write a 280 character poem on worms  (or wildlife in your garden). Then s​​​​​hare your short poem online, on Twitter with the hashtag #wildaboutgardens or handle @WildAbtGardens or email

Adults can enter on behalf of children. Please make this clear in entry (e.g. in following tweet).

Competition runs 2nd to 16th April

Find out more here.

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