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Victoria Adukwei Bulley’s debut collection, Quiet, circles around ideas of black interiority, intimacy and selfhood, playing at the tensions between the impulse to guard one’s "inner life" and the knowledge that, as Audre Lorde writes, "your silence will not protect you". The poems teem with grace and dignity, are artful in their shapes, sharp in their intelligence, and possessing of a good ear, finely attuned to the sonics that fascinate and motivate the writing "at the lower end of sound".

Victoria Adukwei Bulley is a poet, writer and artist. An alumna of the Barbican Young Poets, she is the recipient of an Eric Gregory Award, and has held residencies in the US, Brazil, and the V&A Museum in London. She is currently a doctoral student at Royal Holloway, University of London, supported by a Techne award for practice-based research in Creative Writing.
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