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Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024

Newcastle Poetry Festival returns for its eighth year, taking place from the 9th –  11th May at Northern Stage. With the theme of “In/Out of Place: poetry, inclusivity and belonging”, the festival places an emphasis on the local area, whilst also showcasing poets from across the globe.

The festival will feature some of the biggest names in poetry, such as T.S. Eliot prize shortlisted poet Helen Mort, previous UK Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, and Jackie Kay, a previous Professor of Creative Writing at Newcastle University and the third modern Makar, the National Poet of Scotland from 2016-2021.

The International Poetry Symposium, organised in partnership with Newcastle University, brings together leading poets for a series of discussions and performances on the 9th and 10th of May. The events will cover a vast range of topics, from professional advice on finding your place in the creative industries to discussions of mountain poets and the role of poetry in times of global crisis.

The ever-popular Poetry Book Society bookshop will also be returning throughout the festival – come along and say hello!

Tickets are available now and can be purchased for individual events, as day-passes, or for the entire festival.

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