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The Autumn Bulletin is Here!

The Autumn Bulletin has arrived! Copies will be on their way to all our members later this week, once we've received our Autumn books hot off the press. The Autumn Bulletin features unique commentary and sneak preview poems from our PBS Selected Poets including: 

PBS Choice:

Pascale Petit - Mama Amazonica (Bloodaxe)

PBS Recommendations:

Frank Ormsby - The Darkness of Snow (Bloodaxe)

Tara Bergin - The Tragic Death of Eleanor Marx (Carcanet)

Michael Symmons Roberts - Mancunia (Cape)

Douglas Dunn - The Noise of a Fly (Faber) 

As well as reviews of a wide range of poetry books, including In Person: World Poets Anthology, Swims by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett (Penned in the Margins) and Zoology by Gillian Clarke (Carcanet). Members get 25% off all book orders via our website.

Become a member today to receive our bulletin magazine and exclusive copies of the best contemporary poetry books ahead of the bookshops. 

Associate members receive the Bulletin only.
Full members receive the Autumn Choice and Bulletin.
Charter members receive the Choice, all four recommendations and Bulletin.


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