All ten shortlisted poets will be taking part in the fabulous T. S. Eliot Prize Readings at 7pm on Sunday 12th January in the Royal Festival Hall. Hosted by poet and broadcaster Ian McMillan, the fantastic line-up includes recent PBS poets Anthony Anaxagorou, Fiona Benson, Jay Bernard, Ilya Kaminsky, Vidyan Ravinthiran and Deryn Rees-Jones, as well as Paul Farley, Sharon Olds, Roger Robinson and Karen Solie.
The Readings are one of the biggest poetry events of the year and this year's challenging and diverse line-up of shortlisted poets should make for a thrillingly varied evening of poetry. Tickets at £12 and £15 are selling fast and can be booked on 0203 879 9555 or via Southbank Centre's box office.
The 2019 TS Eliot Prize Shortlist
After the Formalities by Anthony Anaxagorou (Penned in the Margins)
Vertigo & Ghost by Fiona Benson (Cape Poetry)
Surge by Jay Bernard (Chatto & Windus)
The Mizzy by Paul Farley (Picador)
Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky (Faber & Faber)
Arias by Sharon Olds (Cape Poetry)
The Million-Petalled Flower of Being Here by Vidyan Ravinthiran (Bloodaxe)
Erato by Deryn Rees-Jones (Seren)
A Portable Paradise by Roger Robinson (Peepal Tree Press)
The Caiplie Caves by Karen Solie (Picador)
PBS Members can order the shortlisted books via the links above with their 25% member discount.