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Are you going on holiday this summer? Looking for the perfect summer holiday poetry reading? Check out our Top 5 Summer Poetry Picks to squeeze into your holiday suitcase or simply read your way around the world from the comfort of your own home. 

1. Head to vivid Trinidad (Oxford and Hadrian's Wall) with our PBS Summer Choice Venus as Bear by Vahni Capildeo
2. Experience Indian monsoon with Toshani Doshi's Girls Are Coming Out of the Woods.
3. Explore Puerto Rico and the languid pace of island life with Loretta Collins Klobah
4. Meander through Vienna, Berlin and beyond with Alice Miller's Nowhere Nearer
5 Fly from Pakistan to America with Faisal Mohyuddin's The Displaced Children of Displaced Children.

We'd love to see how far our Summer Bulletin and books travel!

Send us your Summer Poetry Pics on social media and we'll GIVEAWAY a FREE PBS book to our favourite photo - extra bonus points if you manage to match our beach bulletin cover!

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