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The Summer Bulletin has landed! Join the PBS today to get your special Newcastle Poetry Festival edition with beautiful cover artwork by the festival Painter in Residence Emma Holliday to complete our collectable seascape series of new-look Bulletins in our mid May book mail. Full members will also receive the Summer Choice Vahni Capildeo's Venus as a Bear and Charter members will receive the Bulletin, Choice and all four recommendations: Nowhere Nearer by Alice Miller, Girls are Coming Out of the Woods by Tishani Doshi, The Displaced Children of Displaced Children by Faisal Mohyuddin and Ricantations by Loretta Collins Klobah. We'll be launching the Summer Bulletin at the Northern Poetry Symposium at the Newcastle Poetry Festival on 3rd May at Sage Gateshead. Tickets are still available on the door, so come and join us or find out more about the festival at

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