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Sophie Collins

Amongst Sophie Collins' recommendations are the works of Selima Hill. The most recent, Splash Like Jesus, is available through our online store, along with The Magnitude of My Sublime Existence and Fruitcake.

Kaveh Akbar

Kaveh recommends Frank Bidart's Collected Poems, which will be published in the UK later this year. He also recommends a wealth of poets, including Danez Smith, whose Don't Call Us Dead has recently reached the UK.

Phoebe Power

Phoebe Power's recommendations include Vahni Capildeo's Measures of Expatriation, Anne Carson's Float and Kayo Chingonyi's Kumukanda.

Hannah Sullivan

Hannah Sullivan recommends Stranger, Baby by Emily Berry, The Radio by Leontia Flynn and Fast by Jorie Graham, among other titles.


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