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We're so excited to finally reveal the Reader at Large for No One Is An Island, Grace Cookey-Gam. Fresh from performing Othellomacbeth at the Lyric Hammersmith and with an impressive list of credits, including some dynamic poetry reading, she will definitely bring a magnetic quality to the evening! Grace will join poets David Harsent and Raymond Antrobus to perform the poems of metaphysical and modern greats including Judith Kazantzis, Ellen Hinsey, Katherine Philips and many more. Join us on the 23rd November at St Martin Within Ludgate for a spectacular evening of poetry and music for these fractious times. Don't forget to book your tickets here at only £15 for PBS Members. 

Introducing Grace Cookey-Gam...

Grace first read Music at Birmingham University, and gained a Diploma in Opera Performance Studies from Birkbeck College. Since graduating from the City Lit in 2013, credits include: Theatre:  ‘Ludovico/Lennox’ in OthelloMacbeth (Home, Manchester and Lyric Hammersmith), ‘The Warden’ in Kiss of the Spiderwoman (Menier Chocolate Factory); ‘Melissa’ in #Hashtag Lightie (Arcola); ‘Viv’ in Di & Viv & Rose (Stephen Joseph Theatre/New Vic); ‘Agnes’ in The Awakening (Jack Studio Theatre); ‘Beethoven/David Alexander’ in She Talks to Beethoven (Stonecrabs/Headways Festival). Television:  ‘Ottalan’ in Dawn (Pilot for MGM); ‘CNB News Anchor’ in Tyrant (Fox); ‘Rebecca’ in Saved (Garden Productions/ITV). Film: ‘Old Bailey Barrister’ in Justice League (Warner Bros); ‘Em’ in The Subject (Garden Gate Arts); ‘Louise’ in Child’s Play (168 Festival Best International Short).

Book your tickets here or watch the Director's Vlog about the creative vision here.

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