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Navair records is a special music community and label, exploring the link between music and the poetic form of haiku.

The third edition of the Naviar Haiku Fest, a day event exploring the relationship between music and haiku poetry, comes back to London for the second time after their first show in October last year.

The event will start with an introductory workshop to haiku, a traditional short form of Japanese poetry. In the afternoon there will be a series of talks and panel discussions focused on creativity, ‘arts-meets-science’ and more.

The Haiku Fest will end with a series of live performances by members and friends of Naviar Records, working in the fields of ambient, electronic and contemporary classical music. 

This event will take place at The Old Church, Stoke Newington, N16 9ES in London, on 6th October, from 10am-11.30pm.

You can find out more about the event and book tickets here.

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