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We're delighted to reveal that our Winter Bulletin cover artist will be the poet Angela T Carr. Angela's mindful ink drawing 'Breath' will be gracing the cover of our Winter Bulletin. Here, Angela reflects on the process of making this work of art:

 'Despite training at Glasgow School of Art, my career as an architect took me away from drawing as a form of personal expression until last year when, on a whim, I joined a 30 day art challenge in January. The challenge was run by Wendy Ann Greenhalgh, whose focus is mindfulness through art, and I was intrigued by the idea of creativity where the experience rather than the end product was the objective. I was curious as to how this might influence or be applied to my writing. Each day, we were given a prompt to respond to however we liked, as long as we stayed present in the moment of making, often using our breathing as a means of measuring and maintaining focus. This particular piece was in response to the prompt 'Breath' where I applied a series of ink marks to the page and used my breath to move the ink across the paper. The result is a stark, organic shape like the bare branches of a tree in winter. Much of the work I created during the challenge and since, is connected to nature or explores sustainability through the use of disposable or waste items as mark-making tools.'

Angela T. Carr is a poet, editor and creative writing facilitator. Her debut collection How to Lose Your Home & Save Your Life was published by Bradshaw Books in 2014. Winner of the 2019 iYeats International Poetry Prize and The Poetry Business 2018 Laureate's Prize, chosen by Carol Ann Duffy, her work has been placed or shortlisted in over 40 national and international literary competitions. She is published in literary journals and anthologies in Ireland, UK and US, including The North, The Lonely Crowd, The London Magazine, Strix, Mslexia and Banshee. Originally from Glasgow, she lives in Dublin. Find out more at

PBS Members will receive the Winter Bulletin in their winter poetry parcel in the next few weeks. You can also buy individual copies for £9.99.

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