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Meet our Spring Translation Choice Agnès Agboton and translator Lawrence Schimel:

Agnès Agboton is a multilingual author and storyteller residing in Catalonia, Spain. She has published two bilingual books of poetry in Gun and Spanish. Her other titles include an autobiography Más allá del mar de arena (Beyond the Sea of Sand) and Na Miton: La mujer en los cuentos y leyendas africanos (Na Miton: Women in AfricannStories and Legends). She has also written books on African
food. She represented Benin at the Poetry Parnassus, at the London 2012 Olympics. English translations of her poems have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation and New Daughters of Africa, edited by Margaret Busby.

Lawrence Schimel is a full-time author, writing in both Spanish and English, who has published over 120 books. He is also a prolific literary translator, working into
both English and Spanish. He has won the Lambda Literary Award (twice), the Independent Publisher Book Award, a PEN Translates Award three times and a
National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship.


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