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The UK Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, and the Poetry School, are delighted to announce the longlist for the inaugural ecopoetry prize, The Laurel Prize. It's great to see plenty of PBS poets on the longlist including Jen Hadfield, Sean Hewitt, Natalie Diaz, Sean Borodale and Daisy Lafarge. The longlist, which was judged this year by the poets Maura Dooley (Chair) and Imtiaz Dharker and ClientEarth Founder, Lawyer and poet James Thornton, is as follows:

Ricky Ray The Sound of the Earth Singing to Herself (Fly on the Wall Press)
Sean Hewitt Tongues of Fire (Penguin)
Ash Davida Jane How to Live with Mammals (Victoria University Press)
Anja Konig Animal Experiments (Bad Betty Press)
Tim Cresswell Plastiglomerate (Penned in the Margins)
John Kinsella Brimstone (Arc Publications)
Rasiqra Revulva Cephalography (Wolsak & Wyn)
Kristen Lang Earth Dwellers (Giramondo Publishing)
Cath Drake The Shaking City (Seren Books)
Gregory Leadbetter Maskwork (Nine Arches Press)
Jen Hadfield The Stone Age (Picador)
Will Burns Country Music (Offord Road Books)
J R Carpenter This is a Picture of Wind (Longbarrow Press)
Kirsten Luckins Passerine (Bad Betty Press)
Daisy Lafarge Life without Air (Granta)
Natalie Diaz Postcolonial Love Poem (Faber)
Thomas A Clark The Threadbare Coat (Carcanet)
Barbara Kingsolver How to Fly (Faber)
Sean Borodale Inmates (Penguin)
Dom Bury Rite of Passage (Bloodaxe)

Order your copies via the links above with 25% off for PBS Members.

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