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Many congratulations to all three winners of the Forward Prizes for Poetry: Luke Kennard, Caleb Femi and Nicole Sealey and a very happy 30th birthday to the Forward Prizes too! It was so good to be back at the Southbank Centre in London hearing LIVE poetry with a real life cheering audience. The Forward Prize for Best Single Poem went to Nicole Sealey for her powerful erasure poem about the murder of Michael Brown by Ferguson police. You can read more of her work in her collection Ordinary Beast.  The Forward Prize for Best Collection was awarded to Luke Kennard for Notes on the Sonnets, published by Penned in the Margins, which was a PBS Summer Recommendation. Copies are due back in stock on 11th November but you can pre-order here. And finally the winner of the Best First Collection is our incoming PBS Selector Caleb Femi for his debut collection Poor which is available to order with 25% off for PBS members.

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