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Friday 9th October | 8:00pm - 9:00pm | Town Hall, Pillar Room | £10 plus booking fee

This year’s all-new hybrid Cheltenham Literature Festival gives you the opportunity to attend events as part of a socially distanced physical audience, or to watch online through our digital hub.
Don’t miss your chance to hear from two of the poetry world’s brightest new voices. Rachel Long is the leader of Octavia Poetry Collective for Womxn of Colour and joins us to read from her highly-anticipated debut, My Darling from the Lions, a vivid collection with a razor-sharp perspective on sexual politics and cultural inheritance. New Zealand poet and recent recipient of the Nan Shepherd Prize for Nature Writing Nina Mingya Powles ’ first full collection Magnolia dwells within the tender, shifting borderland between languages, and between poetic forms, to examine the shape and texture of memories, of myths, and of a mixed-race girlhood.
Find out more and book your place here.
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