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We can't wait for Anthony Anaxagorou's launch event at Edinburgh International Book Festival this Friday at 7pm. Have you got your copy of his PBS Autumn Recommendation After the Formalities yet? Don't forget the PBS Members can order their copies here with 25% off. 

The launch starts on the 23rd August at 7pm at the Baillie Gifford Corner Theatre at Charlotte Square in Edinburgh. Anthony Anaxagorou was part of the team behind an unforgettable Out-Spoken Press takeover in our 2018 Unbound programme. He launches After the Formalities, a sharp examination of class, race and masculinity at Edinburgh Book Festival this Friday. He’s joined by Nadine Aisha Jassat, a new star in Scotland whose powerful poems address gender-based violence and the bonds between women. Her debut collection Let Me Tell You This is a force to be reckoned with.

Find out more about the Edinburgh Book Festival launch event here.

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