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In these darkening days it brings us so much joy to share this little ray of sunshine... the PBS Summer Selections! We thought everyone needed a reminder that summer is just around the corner and that there are so much amazing poetry books which are still being published in the coming months. Our expert PBS Selectors Sandeep Parmar, Andrew McMillan, Anthony Anaxagorou, Ilya Kaminsky, Nick Makoha and Mary Jean Chan have been reading their way through them all and we're really excited to reveal the winning books.

The PBS is still functioning fully (with staff safely working from home) and the Summer Bulletin is in production, so if you possibly can then please do consider support a wide range of poets and publishers by joining the Poetry Book Society today. PBS Choice members will receive the Summer Choice, How to Wash a Heart by Bhanu Kapil, hot off the press delivered straight to your door, and a copy of our Summer Bulletin magazine featuring poems, reviews and interviews with all of these incredible poets and many more, later in May.

New PBS Members also receive a welcome pack containing the latest issue of our lively Bulletin poetry magazine and 25% off all books. We're still posting poetry books on our website worldwide, so you can browse our website and enjoy some positive poetry stockpiling to see you through self isolation. We can't wait to send you these stunning books and bring some poetry joy to your Summer!


(April, May, June Books)

Choice: Bhanu Kapil, How to Wash a Heart (Pavilion Poetry)

Recommendations: Ella Frears, Shine, Darling (Offord Books)

Ranjit Hoskote, The Atlas of Lost Beliefs (Arc Publications)

Natalie Diaz, Postcolonial Love Poem (Faber)

Seán Hewitt, Tongues of Fire (Cape)

Special Commendation: Grace Nichols, Passport to Here and There (Bloodaxe)

Wild Card: Wayne Holloway-Smith, Love Without Love (Bloodaxe)

Pamphlet Choice: Alycia Pirmohamed, Hinge (ignition press)

Translation Choice: The Sea Needs No Ornament - A bilingual anthology of contemporary poetry by women writers of the English- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean and its Diasporas. Edited and translated by Loretta Collins-Klobah and Maria Grau Perejoan.

Find out more about Poetry Book Society Choice membership here. Join today for a year of poetry parcels delivered straight to your door #keepcalmandreadpoems.


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