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Now that all our members have got their beautiful summer poetry parcels, we can't wait a moment longer (or we'll burst with excitement) to announce our Autumn Selections! Drum roll please... the Autumn Choice will be.... Daljit Nagra's INDIOM. A playful East-meets-West mock epic which scrutinises the legacies of Empire, casteism and colourism.
Huge congratulations to our recommendations too Please Do Not Touch This Exhibit by Jen Campbell (Bloodaxe), Bright Fear by Mary Jean Chan (Faber), Vevel's Violin by Jaqueline Saphra (Nine Arches Press), So To Speak by Terrance Hayes (Penguin) and Pitch & Glint by Lutz Seiler, translated by Stefan Tobler (And Other Stories). Plus our Special Commendation, Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver. Our quarterly selections are hand-picked by our expert poetry team including Jo Clement, Roy McFarlane and Harry Josie Giles who read everything that is due to be published via an open call out to all UK publishers, big and small.
We can't wait to share these brilliant forthcoming collections with our members in the Autumn book box in September! Don't forget if you join the Poetry Book Society today, you'll get a free copy of our Summer Choice Bread and Circus by Airea D Matthews and Summer magazine to enjoy reading in the meantime. So, start your year of poetry here today!


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